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At-sowing, soil-applied granular insecticide which provides outstanding control of seed-, plant-, and root-feeding insects in maize, sugar beet, sunflower, vegetables and in seed production of multiple crops.
- Strong activity against a broad range of soil insects and flies, helping to protect developing root systems
- The unique vapor action permeates the soil and controls the insects before they reach the young plants, while strong repellence gives additional protection
- Very good efficacy against i.a. rootworms (Diabrotica), wireworms (Agriotes), moths, millipedes, leather jackets, white grubs, beetles, cutworms, springtails, flies
- Also effective in dry soils
- Long lasting effect
- In-furrow application during sowing for perfect distribution of the microgranules
- Excellent crop safety when incorporated into the soil
Other brand names
Tofino, Taifree