- 100 g/L fluroxypyr
- 2,5 g/L florasulam
SE - suspo-emulsion
Post-emergence herbicide for use on all varieties of winter and spring wheat and barley for the control of a range of broadleaf weeds.
Key Strengths
- Combined systemic actives offer broad spectrum weed control, including problem weeds
- Very effective against annual (i.a. cleavers, mayweed, chickweed, wild mustard, cruciferae) as well as perennial broadleaf weeds (i.a. buttercup, dandelion, bitter dock)
- Reliable, consistent control protecting yield
- Flexibility in application timing, temperature and dose rate
- Liquid SE-formulation ensures optimal uptake, transport and activity
- Excellent rainfastness and crop safety
Other brand name
Gal-Gone XL, Flurostar Primo
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